The moon is overexposed as it’s much brighter than Saturn and the seeing conditions are far from perfect as it was observed from inner Sydney. A really cool sight none the less!
Specs: Celestron C6 on Skypriody Mount Samsung S7 Smartphone capturing at 3840×2160 Edited in Premiere Pro (cropped and speed up by 2x) Music: “Nightwalk” by Hazy –
Occultation of Saturn from 12th August 2019The moon is overexposed as it's much brighter than Saturn and the seeing conditions are far from perfect as it was observed from inner Sydney. A really cool sight none the less!Specs:Celestron C6 on Skypriody MountSamsung S7 Smartphone capturing at 3840x2160Edited in Premiere Pro (cropped and speed up by 2x)Music: "Nightwalk" by Hazy –